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2019 HOST

Universitas Brawijaya

2020 HOST

Universitas Gadjah Mada

2021 HOST

Universitas Padjadjaran

2022 HOST

Universitas Indonesia

2023 HOST

Universitas Andalas

2024 HOST

Universitas Udayana

Rapat Pimpinan Nasional is the first event that is conducted in the early working term. This is usually held in May and takes place in the Local Chapter of the newly elected President. ​


This event functions as the place where the committee of ALSA National Chapter Indonesia meets, which is comprised of the 3 (three) representatives of each Local Chapter, where one of the representatives should be the Director of the Local Chapter. ​


The agenda of this event is taking the vow of the newly appointed National Board, discussing the work program of the National Board and the bidding of the national event, the progress report from the respective Local Chapters and the National Board.

Rapat Pimpinan Nasional 2024 is hosted by ALSA LC Universitas Udayana from the 10th until the 11th of May in Bali. 

Video Teaser
Rapimnas 2024

Video Review
Rapimnas 2024

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