ALSA Indonesia Legal Discussion #2
“Future-Proofing Lawyers: Bagaimana Menghadapi Situasi Penggunaan Artificial Intelligence di Bidang Hukum”
Artificial Intelligence (AI) will not pose a threat to the legal profession. As Juan David Gutierrez explained, UNESCO has set guidelines for the proper use of AI, and despite the rapid advancement of AI technology, it will not replace lawyers. Sarah Muñoz-Cadena added that the ethical and moral considerations inherent in AI are difficult to replicate, making it challenging for AI to replace lawyers.
In the Panel I: “Etika dan Tanggung Jawab Hukum dalam Penggunaan AI: Apakah Sistem Hukum Indonesia Siap?”, the Panel Speakers highlighted that Indonesia lacks specific regulations for AI, unlike the European Union, which has implemented the EU AI Act. Although there are regulations such as the Kominfo Circular and the Personal Data Protection Law, they are still insufficient. The speakers also emphasized that in litigation, AI, which functions as a tool, cannot replicate the wisdom needed to make complex legal decisions.
In the Panel II, “AI vs. Lawyer: Mempersiapkan Lawyer Masa Depan untuk Indonesia Emas 2045”, the Panel Speakers further emphasized that, while AI continues to evolve, the role of lawyers cannot be fully replaced. Lawyers must maintain expertise, empathy, and ethical judgment—qualities that only humans can provide. With predictions that AI will advance significantly by 2045, lawyers must adapt and collaborate with new technologies while preserving professionalism and integrity in legal practice.